SKU: 124788 Saadavus: 0 in Stock GTIN: 819865013694

Think Tank Mindshift BackLight Sprint Slim Lightweight Backpack Green


Saadaval järeltellimisel



Despite its slim profile, the pack will hold a standard-sized camera body and the trifecta of zoom lenses. A minimal but plush harness systems enables comfortable, all-day carry and two large side pockets each fit a big water bottle or can be used to carry a tripod.

Designed for the photographer who has a lighter kit and wants a smaller less bulky bag, the BackLight Sprint is a slim, lightweight backpack that is ideal for hiking or treks around town.

Despite its slim profile, the pack will hold a standard-sized camera body and the trifecta of zoom lenses. A minimal but plush harness systems enables comfortable, all-day carry and two large side pockets each fit a 32oz/950ml Nalgene water bottle or can be used to carry a tripod.


Holds a standard-sized camera body with lenses attached and 1–3 standard zoom lenses
Fits personal gear in the 2L front compartment
Maximum lens size: 300mm f/2.8 or 150–600mm f/5–6.3 attached to a body

Back-panel access to your camera gear without taking the pack off, allowing you to work out of the bag without getting your harness dirty, wet, muddy or icy
Slim, lightweight backpack for the minimalist photographer
Front pocket offers 2 liters of capacity for personal gear and opens vertically on the right side for easy access without taking off the pack
Rear-panel access also adds security when traveling since your camera gear is protected behind your back
Meets most international and U.S. carry-on requirements and will fit under most airline seats
Dual vertical daisy chains on the front pocket add functionality and external carry capacity
Simplified tripod carry on either side using the pocket and upper compression straps
Padded waist belt is removable for personal preference
Two large water bottle pockets with cinch cord fit a 950ml Nalgene
Side compression straps with locking SR buckles for additional lash points
Airmesh covered lumbar support and rear-panel for all-day comfort
Ergonomic zipper pulls are easily gripped with gloves or frozen fingers
Highest quality YKK RC Fuse zippers, 420D Velocity and 420D highdensity nylon for long lasting durability and strength
Adjustable dividers for large telephoto lenses, traditional photo gear, or personal items
Top zippered pocket for quick access to phone and other essentials
Simplified top webbing handle
Seam-sealed rain cover included
Check with your airline for current carry-on requirements

Available in following colors: Green | Grey

SPECIFICATIONS: External Dimensions: 44.5 x 23 x 17 cm Internal Dimensions: 42 x 21 x 14 cm Volume: 15 Liter Weight: 1048 gram

MATERIALS: Exterior: For superior water resistance, all exterior fabric has a durable water-repellent coating, plus the underside of the fabric has a polyurethane coating. It also has highest-quality abrasion-resistant YKK RC-Fuse zippers, 420D velocity nylon, 420D high-density nylon, 320G UltraStretch mesh, 350G airmesh, nylon webbing, 3-ply bonded nylon thread.

Interior: 210D silver-toned nylon lining, hexa-mesh pockets, high-density closed-cell foam, PE board reinforcement, 3-ply bonded nylon thread.

Think Thank on tuntud fotograafide näpunäidete järgi disainitud professionaalse kvaliteediga kaamerakottide poolest. Kõik tooted luuakse töökindlust ning teie varustuse maksimaalset turvalisust silmas pidades igapäevaseks kasutamiseks. Täna esitleme uut Backlight seeria kompaktset seljakotti BackLight Sprint 15L.

Think Thank BackLight Sprint loodi kompaktse varustusega fotograafide vajadusi silmas pidades. Kerge ja stiilne, sobides suurepäraselt nii linnakeskkonda kui ka päevaseks matkaks looduses. Teistest BackLight seeria mudelitest kitsama profiiliga, ent siiski 15-liitrine seljakott mahutab näiteks standardse suurusega kaamerakere ja kolm suumobjektiivi. Praktilist selja poolt avanevat juurdepääsu kaameravarustusele täiendab kaheliitrine esitasku kerge vihmajope või isiklike esemete jaoks. Pehmendustega rihmad võimaldavad muretult ette võtta ka pikemaid matku. Kaks suurt küljetaskut võivad kanda näiteks veepudelit ning statiivi. Vastupidav ja vetthülgav väliskangas pakub eeskujulikku kaitset niiskuse eest ning on teisalt lihtsam puhastada. Sarnaselt teiste Think Tanki toodetega on ka eraldi vihmakate komplektis kaasas.

Olulisimad omadused
Välismõõtmed 44,5 x 23 x 17 cm, sisemõõtmed 42 x 21 x 14 cm ning kaal 1048 grammi.
Ruumi 1 kaamerakerele, 3 suumobjektiivile ja statiivile küljetaskus. Lisaks esitasku isiklike esemete jaoks.
Mahutab vajadusel ka kaamera koos 300mm f2.8 või 150–600mm f/5–6.3 objektiiviga.
Selja poolt avanevatel kottidel on kaks suurt eelist – keegi ei pääse teie fotovarustusele selja tagant märkamatult ligi ning teiseks jäävad kanderihmad ning koti vastu selga toetav osa peale koti maha panemist alati puhtaks.
Pealisriideks on vastupidav 420D nailonkangas ning kasutatud on vastupidavaid YKK RC-Fuse tõmblukke.
Vastab mõõtudelt enamikule rahvusvaheliste ja USA lennufirmade käsipagasi nõuetele.
Pehmendusteega puusavöö on eemaldatav.