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22-26 March 2010

The masterclass will be accessible to young and aspiring documentary photographers from the Baltic countries, the former USSR countries (CIS), Belorussia, Russia and the Ukraine. Noor, Nikon and FotoDepartment invite photographers to submit their portfolios for selection for the 2010 Noor- Nikon ‘Masterclass in Documentary Photography’.

The workshop

During the five days of the workshop, the 15 participants, together with the three member photographers of the NOOR agency, will share their experience, work on portfolios, improve their editing skills and learn how to pick up a story. Each of the days will consist of intensive communication with the photographers on the subjects of technical features and the peculiarities of the international photo market. It is a unique opportunity for the photographers from different regions of the country to gain new knowledge, contacts, learn to tell stories with their own language of expression and develop their personal vision.

The workshop is free of charge; travel and accommodation costs will be reimbursed (possession of a passport and travel insurance is required to submit).


For submission you are required to:

  • Have basic English language skills (the language of the workshop is English, however translators will be invited);
  • A good technical understanding of your camera equipment; 
  • Basic experience in documentary photography or photojournalism, and 
  • A good motivation.

To apply you need to send:

  • CV; 
  • Motivation letter; 
  • Link to an online portfolio or a selection of up to 30 digital low-resolution images.

The CV and the motivation letter have to be both in English and in Russian as foreign NOOR and Nikon representatives will take part in the selection procedure. Please send your application to: before 1 February 2010.


In the letter subject please indicate your name and the event: Noor-Nikon Masterclass.

In case you are selected for the workshop, you will be asked to perform a short assignment to work on before the workshop starts.

Application deadline: 1 February 2010

The chosen participants will receive an informational e-mail letter before 7 February 2010. 
To know more about the event and for all the questions please contact us here:

Gallery/Bureau FotoDepartament
32 Nevsky pr. / Romanic-Catolic church / left courtyard / 2 floor
tel.: +7-901-301-7994 / +7 (812) 314-5925
Informational center “FotoDepartament”
Saint-Petersburg, Nevsky prospect, 20, 3 floor
BIKCIM Library of V.V. Mayakovskogo

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